samedi 31 juillet 2010

The warmest welcome!

We arrived in Mumbai on July 29th at 1am after a very pleasant fly with British Airways. Everything was very well and incredibly easy, so that we couldn't have expected anything better. Passport control was fine and people were very attentive and caring. What should I say? It wasn't rainy when we arrived, but the wet air reminded me of home, of Ubatuba, the same smell as at my grandmother's house (my mom will know what I mean). ;)

After arriving, we called Sanket, Harshad's friend, who picked us up from the airport and brought us to his home, where we spent the first nice. Sanket is awesome! I don't know what we would have done without him. He welcomed us with a cup of a cold Indian drink, really tasty, even thought I don't exactly know what it was... delicious anyway! He has a very nice dog that spent the whole night with us and even came a couple of times in my bed, I think he wanted to protect us and be sure that we were fine. So sweet...

Next morning, after an almost sleepless night (jet leg? excitement? Joao got some sleep, I didn't), we met Sanket's parents, both really welcoming and friendly, and they offered us a delicious breakfast with a kind of an omelet with white bread, coffee and a delicious pastry! Yummy! We were starting getting used to all this, but we soon had to leave and try to find our way to a hotel in the city center, so we took our first rickshaw (always with Sanket) and went to the crowded train station. First we thought Sanket was cutting the line but then hge explained us there are two different queues, one for the first class and the other to the second. Of course, the first class queue was much smaller...

Taking a train in the rush hours in Mumbai is a real adventure. Luckily I found a seating place, Joao wasn't so lucky, but I was the only woman in the mixed compartment... all the Indian women travel in a special wagon, which makes totally sense when you see how crowded the trains are... I wouldn't like to take it every day for work...

Once in Churchgate, we took a (honest!) cab to Colaba, where we were really lucky: we got a shoe-box sized room in the, according to Lonely Planet, cheapest hotel of the city. Rooms are really simple and small, but bathrooms are almost luxurious and staff is really nice... a great starting point to spend some days walking around the city...

Now I exceeded time in internet cafe, more coming soon! :)

By the way, just as information, we are totally loving it!


2 commentaires:

  1. Wow! What a begining of adventure! I can't wait to hear what's next!
    Profitez-en à fond, amusez vous bien!
    Je suis très heureux pour vous que tout se passe bien! :) Voyez, maman avait raison! ^^

    Bonne continuation!!! ;)

  2. ta maman a toujours raison! bisous
